Couch to 5k? How about couch to state record!

This impressive woman (yes, she is my client) just completed three races in Roswell, NM on Saturday and earned a third, second and first place. She now holds the state record for the 800 meter run for women in the 65-69 age category. The beauty of it is just a couple of years ago she was mostly sedentary and about 50 pounds heavier.

Alice with 800 meter first place medal for women 65-69 in Roswell, NM 7/16/16.

She started her return to exercise in one of my simple yoga classes and then added some personal training and really hit her stride with weight lifting.

A powerful goal that emerged was to feel comfortable running as she had done many years ago. After building up some aerobic capacity and confidence by attending small group circuit training she joined a local running club. The rest is history, sort of.  Her success is kind of a study in determination, goal setting, consistency and why we need support systems. It takes a certain amount of grit combined with an urgency for action and opportunity – when they come together, the results can be very cool.